Raising awareness of the ecological transition among public authorities

The Designing our low-carbon lives workshop is a powerful, tried-and-tested teaching tool that shows the orders of magnitude of France’s carbon footprint and helps to raise awareness among all stakeholders in the public sector of the need to reduce it and the levers for effective action at individual, institutional and public policy levels.

atelier transformation écologique mairie de gennevilliers

Facilitating the deployment of the National Low Carbon Strategy

France has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% by 2030 in its National Low Carbon Strategy, and Europe has committed to a 55% reduction over the same period.

Local authorities and public institutions are developing ambitious action plans to meet these legal obligations. Widespread dissemination of climate issues and orders of magnitude within the organisation facilitates local implementation by giving meaning and a common vision to all players:

Precise knowledge of the carbon footprint is necessary and strategic to facilitate and legitimise the work of elected representatives.
Knowing the orders of magnitude, the levers for effective action and good practice means we can better respond to the expectations of staff who have high expectations in these areas.

The workshop adapts to your context

Participants work at different levels: individual, local authority, public policy, in line with the authority’s remit.
They leave with a draft action plan.

The contextualisation and adaptation of the workshop includes the preparation of the organisation’s carbon footprint, to ensure that climate issues are more fully understood.

atelier climat collectivité

You choose how the workshops are deployed

We offer a range of services:

Turnkey workshops on your premises

We run workshops at your premises.

The workshops take place in groups (ideally 15-20 people).

We adapt to the context of the event (seminar, training course, conference, etc.).

Fully autonomous deployment of the workshop

We train your agents to run the workshops so that they can be completely autonomous.

The workshop is easy for non-specialists to learn, so they can quickly lead scientifically sound sessions on climate issues.

These local authorities are deploying our workshop:

« The tools offered by the association are invaluable. All our colleagues have described it as a success. Now we need to implement our low-carbon/transition plan for the children's department, in line with the city's project. »
Julia Oudin Marsaud
Director of Services