Raising team awareness of the ecological transition

The Designing our low-carbon lives workshop provides an opportunity to take stock of our current carbon footprint, to see the consequences in terms of climate disruption, and also to grasp the levers for action in our business and private lives.

Whether you want to initiate a decarbonisation strategy or accelerate your CSR plan, we’ll tailor the workshop to meet your needs.

Atelier sensibilisation urgence climatique en entreprise

We tailor the workshop to your needs

We offer several modes of intervention that can be combined:

Turnkey workshops

We run workshops at your premises or online.

The workshops take place in groups (ideally 15-20 people).

We adapt to the context of the event (seminar, conference, team building, etc.).

Deploy the workshop independently

We train your staff to run the workshops, so that you have complete autonomy in deploying them and can better grasp the issues at stake.

Personalised support

It’s an offer you can build together, according to your ambitions in terms of ecological transition.

Coaching for in-house facilitators, training for trainers, support with deployment strategy.

Workshop overview

We have adapted Designing our low-carbon lives workshop for the general public to meet the challenges of decarbonising businesses.

In this new 3-hour format, we get participants to invent their low-carbon jobs, with the collective ambition of reducing the company’s greenhouse gas emissions.

1/ Understanding the urgency, visualising the carbon footprint

2/ Levers for action to be activated as citizens and employees

3/ Presentation of company-specific issues

4/ Time in sub-groups to initiate or consolidate a professional action plan

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They Invent their low-carbon businesses with us

Why organise a Designing our low-carbon lives workshop at your company?

The economy is changing as our lives move towards carbon neutrality. Anticipating the changes and opportunities in your sector, developing a shared culture and a vision of the future among your employees, while positioning your company as a leader in this transition are major challenges.

Designing our low-carbon lives is an educational and collaborative workshop designed to help you understand the carbon footprint. The workshop is both a team-building exercise and a way of popularising scientific data (ADEME, IPCC, Carbone 4, the Shift Project, etc.).

The workshop gives people a head start in understanding and committing to the transition, and enables them to approach it as a happy and virtuous opportunity rather than a constraint.

It is an ideal way of initiating an in-house carbon strategy thanks to a more enlightened and systemic understanding of the issues.

Businesses are major players in the low-carbon transition, not only in the energy sector but also in transport, food, construction, trade and industry.

Creating a community of committed employees

Deploying Designing our low-carbon lives also means training in-house facilitators so that we have a community of people who are proactive in pushing the transition to the heart of the company, putting energy into it and providing ideas for taking action in the right direction.

We offer one-day training courses, with a section devoted to workshop facilitation techniques, and a section focusing on the issues at stake globally, the orders of magnitude and the levers for action.

The workshop in companies